Data You Can Trust

Bespoke Databases + Technology Powered Business Intelligence

Marketing and Sales Intelligence

We Build Customized B2B Email Lists for Targeted Marketing and Sales Campaigns. We also validate and update your existing database, if it has incorrect and out-of-date information.

Industry Specific Intelligence

Life Science Research – Bespoke Research on pre-clinical, clinical trials and drug safety. Writing weekly Newsletters.
Financial Research
– Comprehensive coverage of various Asset Classes within the Private and Public markets.

Commodities Research – Intelligence on Commodities like oil and gas, metals, mining, etc.


Build Custom B2B Lead Lists for very Niche Targets


Connect with the most revelant Speakers / Delegates / Sponsors / Exhibitors


Fuel your Information Products with data on Clinical Studies, Drug Safety, PK, PD Studies etc.


Reporting and Intelligence on Private and Public Markets.


Stay up-to-date with all information on Commodities Markets.

Our Suite Of Offerings

Highly Targeted, Customised, Premium Data Research

Data for Marketing, Sales, Data Managers and Biz Dev

Our B2B Data Services include Contact Data Sourcing, Data Mining, Data Verification and CRM Data Management. Our data is available on demand, as well as customised for niche industries and job titles.

You get human researched and verified phone numbers and email addresses. You pay only for successful records. Each dataset is verified just before you can download. Data replacement guarantee is assured.

Industry Specific Data for DaaS Solutions

Industries like life sciences, finance, commodities etc. need a constant supply of fresh data. Our team of full-time researchers fuel your online information products with fresh and relevant data.

Ascentrik Research provides end-to-end solutions, from sourcing data for your information products to increasing the subscriber list on your data platforms.

Fresh Data is Accurate Data

We freshly source all our data for each client, and never store databases

We are a research team that partners with your organisation for 360° support in all your b2b data needs.

Data at Scale + Targeted Niche Data

Ascentrik is a people-based company. We use automation to enable data research at scale. But research and verification by domain experts is our defining feature. Our research team can source and verify data from niche industries and job titles, with precision. This is a process that cannot be automated and needs to be customised.

This is how we are able to provide end-to-end services with 100% data accuracy, making us not just a data provider but an extension to your team.

Outsource B2B Databases No Matter Which Part Of The Globe

We build any kind of database and can work with any organisation because of our large team of qualified, full-time research experts.

We are a one-stop solution for Custom Data and Intelligence Support Services

Financial Services   •   Real Estate   •   Infrastructure   •   Metals and Mining   •   Banking   •   Oil and Gas   •   Chemicals   •   Pharmaceuticals   •   Energy   •   Engineering and Construction   •   Renewable   •   Healthcare and Life Science   •   Retail   •   Technology   •   Insurance   •   Telecommunications   •   Media   •   Education and Training Services   •   Banking   •   Transportation and Logistics   •   Utilities   •

Let’s Discuss Your Project