Research and Intel on the Commodities Markets

Commodities tend to be highly volatile assets, as unexpected events can always affect them. Hence your Intelligence Products need robust Research and Analysis

When It Comes To The Commodities Markets Like Oil And Gas, Metals, And Mining Etc, There Are Many Levels Of Research To Consider.

A Robust Approach To Gathering Data On These Markets Always Includes Both A Technical And A Fundamental Approach.

We study various data sources :

Research Reports from top firms, Data from government and trade associations

We carry out in depth research on individual commodities like Commodity Profile Pages on commodity exchanges, research reports from top firms, data from government and trade associations and market articles or commentary. We study various trusted and reliable sources like information from larger research firms that publish commodity reports daily or weekly.

Opinion-based articles and Research papers from commodity analysts

We follow opinion-based articles and research papers from commodity analysts or traders.

Market News alerts that offer coverage across all commodities

We research market news alerts that offer coverage across all commodities, From breaking news and market summaries to in-depth industry analysis and expert commentary.

Macroeconomic factors that help shape raw material availability

We also study the macroeconomic factors that help shape raw material availability and prices.

We conduct Fundamental and Technical Commodity Analysis to know the factors influencing prices of commodities :

Economic and Financial data

We compare commodities in relation to economic and financial data, to discover factors that could impact the price direction of the commodity.

Supply and Demand structure

Fundamentals provide insight into the supply and demand structure of each commodity market, and in turn help estimate future pricing changes.

Price and Trading activity movement

We also conduct a technical commodity analysis. This method analyses trends of price and trading activity movement over time.

Historical price pattern

We understand the historical price pattern of a commodity and use that past behavior to predict future direction.

Approaching our research from all these perspectives, helps us contribute comprehensive insight to our client’s information products, so that your product covers in-depth knowledge of the commodities markets, and can be used as an intelligence and forecasting tool by your subscribers.

Gain a Competitive Edge with Expert Commodities Research and Intelligence Support!